Monday, October 26, 2009

A sign of growth

Last Thursday the Green Club installed its new sign! Pictured above, Brian Crawford pounds a post (steadied by Brittany McGhee) but the effort extended far beyond last week's hammering. With the expert guidance of Jeanette May, the Green Club drove this project from start to finish, designing, planning, and painting the beautiful sign. See below for the final product.

While Brian, Brittany, Keith, Jeanette, David Schlossman, and Louis Rivas were putting the sign up, the rest of the Green Club was harvesting basil, garlic and tomato for their snack. Once the sign was installed and the cameras stopped flashing, all went inside for fresh pasta, topped with basil and garlic pesto and garden-fresh tomatoes.

I'm not sure how many gardens in DC are still producing such a bounty (if you have a garden, give us an update in the comment section below), and I'm not sure how many high school students in the country are cooking afternoon snacks for each other, but I am sure of this: the Green Club garden flourishes and feeds because the students make it so.



  2. keep up the good work with the garden it looks really great, the group looks happy

  3. That sign is pretty awesome, good job workers

  4. That is an amazing sign!

  5. Even though I'm not apart of the Green Club (and I wish I could be), I love what you are doing!!!

  6. Whoooo!!! Go Green Club!! The final sign looks amazing. Everyone who worked on the sign (even me) did an excellent job. Keep up the good work guys!!
