Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Law Day Takes on Consumer Rights

The situation: a brother and sister buy used bikes from an online retailer for a low price. After their 5 day warranty expired the bikes fall apart. Can they get their money back? Is the website responsible? What rights does a consumer have? This is the issue that TMA students debated in February’s Law Day.

Students took on roles as consumers, parents and the website to debate the issue and come to a resolution. Each group had the facts of the case and relevant laws at their disposal to formulate their position. A panel of students, acting as the better business bureau, listened to each side of the argument and then decided on a resolution. In one group, the panel decided that the website would replace only one of the bikes, in hopes that both sides would be a happy.

Students learned that as consumers we have rights that we need to know so they are not infringed upon. Law Day Students improved their critical thinking skills and learned techniques to advocate for themselves. The next Law Day will be Friday, March 25th. A big thank you to the chaperones and volunteer lawyers. A special mention goes to ,Eleanor Lewis and Mike Mazer, the authors of this brand new Law Day lesson.

1 comment:

  1. Hi friends,

    Consumers are being invited “to take full advantage of their consumer rights and make better-informed decisions. National Consumer Protection Week is a coordinated campaign that encourages consumers nationwide to take full advantage of their consumer rights. Thanks a lot.

    Customer Complaints
